Hamster Haven
Hamster FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions about hamsters.

General Hamster Questions

How many breeds of common pet hamsters are there?
Five. Syrian, Dwarf Campbell, Dwarf Winter White, Chinese, and Roborovski.

Syrian Hamsters

Can I put two Syrians in one cage?
NO! Syrians are solitary and will fight to the death, no matter how much they seem to like eachother. But Dwarves are friendly and love having buddies with them. You may put more than one dwarf in one cage.


Dwarf Campbell Hamsters

Can I leave the Campbell dad hamster in with the mom hamster and babies?
Yes. All of that is explained here:

Breeding Dwarf Campbell Hamsters

Can Dwarves climb hamster tubes?
They cannot climb the bigger tubes, but they can climb the Bubble Wave kind. ONLY the Bubble Wave.

Roborovski Hamsters

Currently no questions. Email me hamster questions: HaywireHamster@hotmail.com and tell me if you want them to show up in FAQ or not.

Dwarf Winter Whites

Why are they called Winter Whites?
Because during the winter, most of their fur turns white.

Chinese Hamsters

Currently no questions. Email me questions: HaywireHamster@hotmail.com and tell me if you want them to show up in the FAQ or not.